Setup Python

Modify /etc/profile

Add the following two lines to the profile

export HOME="/DATA"
export PATH="/DATA/.local/bin:/opt/bin:$PATH"

Execute Refresh
source /etc/profile

Install opkg

wget -O - | /bin/sh

Git related issues

Install git-http

opkg install git-http

How to pull GitHub projects without password

How to pull GitHub projects without password
Due to some problems, git cannot find ssh public key normally. So we can use gh tool to avoid password.
Download gh to /opt/bin (managed by opkg package). Then log in to the account with gh.
When pulling the project, use the third gh pull method, so that git and pull can be.


ZimaOS has installed Python 3.12.5

It is recommended to use the nevn virtual environment for development

mkdir project
cd project
python -m venv .
source ./bin/activate

Modify the configuration of vscode

Add the following configuration to the code mode configuration

"remote.SSH.serverInstallPath": {